Certified Investigator Listing

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62,726 items found, displaying 20,901 to 21,000.[First/Prev] 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213 [Next/Last]
Name HawkID Department/Institution Certification Type Date
Alyssa Hague OB-GYN Associates CITI Biomed Tutorial 01/25/16
Kathryn Hagy khagy College of Education CITI Behavioral Tutorial 02/06/13
Mark Hagy hagym Uihc-Graduate Medical Educatio NIH Online Tutorial 05/12/02
Alyssa Hahn ahhn CITI Biomed Tutorial 08/01/16
Amy Hahn aehahn Clas-Mathematics CITI Biomed Tutorial 06/10/14
Andrew Hahn anhahn Cmed-Radiology CITI Biomed Tutorial 07/22/24
David Hahn hahnd Cmed-Internal Medicine NIH Online Tutorial 03/03/04
Diego Hahn dhahn College of Liberal Arts and Sciences CITI Behavioral Tutorial 04/05/12
Dustin Hahn djhahn Social and Behavioral Investigator CITI Behavioral Tutorial 02/03/09
Ginger Hahn glhahn social work CITI Behavioral Tutorial 10/18/10
Grace Hahn ghahn1 UCOL-Honors Program CITI Behavioral Tutorial 01/15/24
GCP Basic Tutorial 01/15/24
Joseph Hahn jhahn Epidemiologyy and Agricultural Health, College of Public Health CITI Biomed Tutorial 07/30/07
Karen Hahn kkkeller Nursing NIH Online Tutorial 10/10/01
CITI Biomed Tutorial 06/12/11
Katie Hahn kehhn Psychology CITI Behavioral Tutorial 05/20/08
Michelle Hahn hahnmj Uihc-Neurology NIH Online Tutorial 10/19/01
Noah Hahn noahhahn CITI Biomed Tutorial 03/24/23
Petra Hahn pchahn CITI Biomed Tutorial 03/14/16
Sara Hahn sahhn PTRS CITI Biomed Tutorial 07/25/16
Portia Hahn Leat phahnleat Clas-Chemistry CITI Biomed Tutorial 12/02/16
CITI Behavioral Tutorial 12/05/16
Katie Hahnbaum hahnbaumk Uihc-Off Campus Admin CITI Biomed Tutorial 09/15/24
Amna Haider haidr CITI Behavioral Tutorial 09/16/19
Fajar Haider fhaider Uihc-Nursing Service CITI Biomed Tutorial 02/27/25
GCP CITI - Drugs 09/27/23
Farakh Haider fhaider1 Uihc-Nursing Service CITI Biomed Tutorial 01/15/25
Naeem Haider haidern Cmed-Anesthesia NIH Online Tutorial 12/27/01
Salma Haider shaider CITI Behavioral Tutorial 10/17/17
Saman Haider samhaider CITI Biomed Tutorial 04/13/21
GCP Basic Tutorial 05/29/21
Alina Haidri aahaidri Anthropology CITI Behavioral Tutorial 04/11/06
Jeffrey Haig jhaig Psychology NIH Online Tutorial 12/26/01
Kellie Haigh kmhaigh Libr-Library Administration & NIH Online Tutorial 10/30/02
Alyssa Haight ahaight Uihc-Pharmacy CITI Biomed Tutorial 07/21/14
Joseph Haight jahaight Cmed-Medicine Administration CITI Biomed Tutorial 07/28/20
Liv Haik haik Cmed-Internal Medicine CITI Biomed Tutorial 09/02/24
Ashlyn Hain aahain Slif-Retail Operations CITI Behavioral Tutorial 09/05/24
Joshua Hain jhain Slif-Rec Services CITI Behavioral Tutorial 01/28/15
Ashley Haines ahaines Communication Studies CITI Behavioral Tutorial 02/02/13
Barbara Haines Interactive Medical Developments NIH Online Tutorial 11/25/03
Heidi Haines hainesh Cmed-Ophthalmology & Visual Sc NIH Online Tutorial 06/02/04
Kayla Haines kmhaines CITI Behavioral Tutorial 09/30/13
Sarah Haines RVPT CW Muscatine UI Workshop w/o Test 04/19/23
Scott Haines shaines Cmed-Ophthalmology & Visual Sc VA CITI Basic Tutorial 09/29/10
Leanne Haiwick lhaiwick CITI Behavioral Tutorial 01/20/16
Bakir Hajdarevic bhajdarevic CITI Biomed Tutorial 03/31/13
Brad Hajdik bhajdik Cden-Endodontics UI Workshop w/Test 07/25/02
Alba Hajdini ahajdini Cedu-Educ policy and leadershi CITI Behavioral Tutorial 08/09/23
Andrew Hajduk ahajduk Biomedical Engineering CITI Biomed Tutorial 05/06/11
Christina Hajewski chajewski Uihc-Graduate Medical Educatio CITI Biomed Tutorial 12/06/16
Jeffrey Hajewski jhajewski Clas-Computer Science CITI Behavioral Tutorial 04/30/17
MJ Hajianpour hajianpourm Cmed-Pediatrics CITI Biomed Tutorial 04/30/14
Georges Hajj ghajj GME-HOUSE STAFF/INTERNAL MED CITI Biomed Tutorial 07/09/08
Hanine Hajj hhajj Pediatrics CITI Biomed Tutorial 06/07/10
Temara Hajjat thajjat GME-HOUSE STAFF/PEDIATRICS CITI Biomed Tutorial 11/18/13
GCP CITI - Devices 11/17/13
Jon Hake jhake Prov-International Programs-Gr NIH Online Tutorial 03/21/03
Kelsey Hake hakek Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Sciences CITI Biomed Tutorial 08/09/10
Matthew Hakeman mhakeman Clas-Dept of Biology CITI Biomed Tutorial 06/17/10
CITI Behavioral Tutorial 06/17/10
Hailey Hakes hahakes Uihc-Nursing Service CITI Biomed Tutorial 04/28/22
VA CITI Basic Tutorial 11/08/22
Sarah Hakes shakes Geography CITI Behavioral Tutorial 02/14/08
Muna Hakim mshakim CITI Biomed Tutorial 06/28/20
Shinkai Hakimi hakimis GME-HOUSE STAFF/INTERNAL MED CITI Biomed Tutorial 06/23/11
Patricia Hakken phakken Psychology CITI Behavioral Tutorial 02/15/07
Katie Hakos (Evans) kevans Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Sciences CITI Biomed Tutorial 07/31/12
Nabil Halabi hlabi Cmed-Psychiatry CITI Biomed Tutorial 08/13/24
Rim Halaby rhalaby Carver College of Medicine CITI Biomed Tutorial 04/25/09
Courtney Halaska chalaska CITI Biomed Tutorial 03/08/14
Ahmed Halaweish ahalawei Cmed-Radiology CITI Biomed Tutorial 05/10/06
Akaber Halawi ahalawi Cmed-Otolaryngology-Head & Nec CITI Biomed Tutorial 10/14/11
Spencer Halberg sahalberg VPFO-Facilities Management CITI Biomed Tutorial 08/27/17
Jennifer Halbesleben jhalbesl Center for Disabilities and Development CITI Biomed Tutorial 02/27/07
Amanda Halbur ashalbur Psychiatry CITI Biomed Tutorial 10/15/10
Becky Halbur East Sac Elementary CITI Behavioral Tutorial 12/28/10
Christopher Halbur crhalbur CITI Biomed Tutorial 03/03/20
Elizabeth Halbur ehalbur PTRS CITI Biomed Tutorial 08/02/16
Martin Halbur mphalbur Cedu-Teaching & Learning CITI Biomed Tutorial 05/31/22
CITI Behavioral Tutorial 06/01/22
Delbert Halcomb dhalcomb CITI Behavioral Tutorial 10/24/13
Audrey Halden ahalden Social Work NIH Online Tutorial 09/04/05
Jennifer Halder jhalder Cmed-Ophthalmology & Visual Sc CITI Biomed Tutorial 07/25/07
Laura Halder lhalder College of Pharmacy CITI Biomed Tutorial 08/24/22
Ben Hale bwhale Cmed-Pediatrics CITI Biomed Tutorial 10/20/23
Mark Hale mhale ITS-CIO Office CITI Behavioral Tutorial 02/10/08
Nancy Louise Hale halen Cmed-Psychiatry UI Workshop w/Test 11/14/01
Rachael Hale rshale CITI Behavioral Tutorial 09/02/13
Sarah Hale sghale Education CITI Behavioral Tutorial 09/07/11
Ambar Haleem haleema Internal Medicine CITI Biomed Tutorial 06/04/12
James Haley haleyj Cmed-Psychiatry UI Workshop w/Test 08/13/02
NIH Online Tutorial 05/31/01
James T. Haley jhaley Clas-Speech Pathology & Audiol NIH Online Tutorial 09/27/02
Thorvardur Halfdanarson halfdanarsont Internal Medicine, Hematology, Oncology, and Blood and Bone Marrow Transplantation NIH Online Tutorial 02/14/03
CITI Biomed Tutorial 08/30/07
VA CITI Basic Tutorial 10/25/10
VA CITI Refresher Tutorial 10/29/09
Bobbi Halfhill bhalfhill CITI Behavioral Tutorial 12/04/13
Daniel Halfman dhalfman Physical Therapy CITI Biomed Tutorial 08/12/09