Certified Investigator Listing

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62,716 items found, displaying 5,301 to 5,400.[First/Prev] 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57 [Next/Last]
Name HawkID Department/Institution Certification Type Date
Adella Boeding boedinga Uihc-Level 1 Trauma Program CITI Biomed Tutorial 04/08/16
Danielle Boeding dboeding College of Pharmacy CITI Biomed Tutorial 02/16/11
Jessica Boeding jeboedin Nursing CITI Behavioral Tutorial 02/04/09
Kiley Boeding kboedng Cpha-Phar Practice and Science CITI Biomed Tutorial 07/26/16
VA CITI Basic Tutorial 07/26/16
VA CITI Refresher Tutorial 08/15/19
Nadia Boeding nboeding CITI Biomed Tutorial 01/25/24
Sara Boeding sboeding NIH Online Tutorial 01/20/05
Mary Boege mboege Psychology CITI Behavioral Tutorial 01/31/11
Diana Boeglin boeglind Cmed-Urology NIH Online Tutorial 10/06/03
Jaclyn Boehm jmboehm Human Physiology CITI Biomed Tutorial 05/06/21
Jane Boehm boehmj Cmed-Internal Medicine NIH Online Tutorial 06/10/05
VA CITI Refresher Tutorial 10/06/08
Kelsey Boehm kboehm Political Science CITI Behavioral Tutorial 08/31/10
Jacob Boehme jbhme Exception Granted CITI Biomed Tutorial 06/10/14
VA CITI Basic Tutorial 11/17/23
Zoey Boehme zboehme CITI Behavioral Tutorial 11/29/21
Brittney Boehmer baboehme Speech and Hearing Science CITI Biomed Tutorial 01/12/10
Cassondra Boehmer cboehmer Nursing CITI Behavioral Tutorial 02/01/09
Francesca Boehmer fboehmer Communication Sciences & Disorders CITI Biomed Tutorial 12/19/12
Linda Boehmer boehmerl Uihc-Nursing Service UI Workshop w/Test 12/12/03
GCP CITI - Drugs 07/05/16
Frederick Boehmke fboehmke Clas-Political Science CITI Biomed Tutorial 08/10/15
CITI Behavioral Tutorial 08/30/09
Ann Boeka Perreau boekaa Cmed-Otolaryngology-Head & Nec NIH Online Tutorial 09/05/02
Megan Boeke mboeke College of Nursing CITI Behavioral Tutorial 09/24/06
Paul Boeke pboeke NIH Online Tutorial 06/06/03
Scott Boeke sboeke NIH Online Tutorial 01/21/04
Janice Boekhoff NIH Online Tutorial 06/24/04
Shamra Boel-Studt sboelstu School of Social Work CITI Behavioral Tutorial 09/19/07
Randi Boell rrboell College of Nursing, DNP student CITI Biomed Tutorial 01/29/21
Eric Boelter eboelter Hsch-Food And Nutrition Servic NIH Online Tutorial 10/06/01
Iryna Boelter iboelter Surgery-Oncology CITI Biomed Tutorial 11/21/15
Randall Boen rboen Cedu-Counselor Education CITI Behavioral Tutorial 11/03/22
Madeline Boender mboender CITI Behavioral Tutorial 10/08/20
Christine Boepple cboepple College of Liberal Arts and Sciences CITI Behavioral Tutorial 08/29/07
Erwin Boer eboer Cend-Industrial Engineering CITI Biomed Tutorial 09/06/07
Sydney Boerboom sboerboom CITI Biomed Tutorial 02/28/23
Melissa Boerman mboerman Physical Therapy NIH Online Tutorial 08/17/05
CITI Biomed Tutorial 06/01/07
Aaron Boes boesa Cmed-Neurology UI Workshop w/o Test 11/07/00
CITI Biomed Tutorial 09/09/16
GCP Basic Tutorial 08/31/19
Samuel Boes saboes Cmed-Surgery CITI Biomed Tutorial 01/03/25
Brenda Boese boese Cmed-Obstetrics/Gynecology CITI Biomed Tutorial 03/26/12
CITI Behavioral Tutorial 08/31/16
VA CITI Basic Tutorial 10/10/18
Brian Boese bboese Physical Therapy CITI Biomed Tutorial 07/26/09
Teri Boese tboese Cnur-Nursing Administration & NIH Online Tutorial 11/25/02
Brian Boesen boesen Psychology CITI Behavioral Tutorial 05/03/06
Grant Boesen gboesen UCOL-Des Moines Pgms CITI Behavioral Tutorial 09/19/18
Ted Boesen Iowa Primary Care Association CITI Biomed Tutorial 06/09/11
Eric Boeshart eboeshart CITI Biomed Tutorial 03/09/14
Scot Boespflug sboespfl Cedu-Psych & Quant Foundations NIH Online Tutorial 03/23/02
Madalyn Boettcher meboettcher College of Liberal Arts and Sciences CITI Behavioral Tutorial 12/03/21
Emily Boevers boevers Uihc-Heart Center CITI Biomed Tutorial 07/01/09
Jacob Boevers jwboevers CITI Behavioral Tutorial 12/11/17
Andre Boezaart boezaarta Cmed-Anesthesia NIH Online Tutorial 01/24/02
Stephen Boffa sboffa CITI Behavioral Tutorial 01/29/25
Joseph Bogaard jbogaard Biomedical Engineering CITI Biomed Tutorial 03/30/07
Catherine Bogacki Epidemiology, College of Public Health UI Workshop w/o Test 11/17/00
Nicholas Bogaerts nbogaerts CITI Behavioral Tutorial 11/18/22
Adam Bogart abogart Cmed-Cancer Center CITI Biomed Tutorial 06/01/15
Fili Bogdanic fbogdanic CITI Biomed Tutorial 07/21/19
Ivana Bogdanich ibogdanich Uihc-Pharmacy CITI Biomed Tutorial 09/18/16
Andrew Boge Student Principal Investigator Training 03/10/21
Jordyn Boge jboge CITI Biomed Tutorial 02/12/21
Samantha Boge sboge Political Science CITI Behavioral Tutorial 03/21/12
Norma Boge-Conyers NIH Online Tutorial 07/31/05
Rachel Boggs rboggs Slif-Catlett Marketplace CITI Behavioral Tutorial 08/25/18
Nansi Samir Boghossian nboghoss Epidemiology CITI Biomed Tutorial 09/14/07
Lauren Bogle lbogle Slif-Retail Operations CITI Behavioral Tutorial 09/05/15
Jenna Boglio jboglio CITI Behavioral Tutorial 10/01/19
Jenna Bognanno jbognanno Social Work CITI Behavioral Tutorial 10/10/11
Savannah Bogner sbogner Cmed-Orthopaedics and Rehab CITI Biomed Tutorial 04/06/23
Richard Bogue rbogue Cnur-Nursing CITI Behavioral Tutorial 08/09/12
John Bogulski jbogulsk Psychiatry CITI Biomed Tutorial 07/30/09
CITI Behavioral Tutorial 07/27/09
Hrvoje Bogunovic hbogunovic Cend-Electrical-Computer Engin CITI Biomed Tutorial 02/07/13
Kevin Bohache kbohache Psychology CITI Behavioral Tutorial 08/26/12
Heidi Bohall hbohall Shea-Health Iowa-Student Healt CITI Behavioral Tutorial 11/18/10
Matt Bohan mjbohan Graduate College CITI Biomed Tutorial 07/29/22
Dominee Bohanan dbohanan Cpub-Epidemiology NIH Online Tutorial 10/11/05
Sazon Bohanan sbohanan Psychiatry CITI Biomed Tutorial 02/27/09
Jennifer Bohl jbohl Neurology CITI Biomed Tutorial 11/07/11
Phillip Bohle pbohle Cmed-Psychiatry CITI Biomed Tutorial 02/23/06
Christopher Bohlen cbohlen College of Liberal Arts and Sciences CITI Behavioral Tutorial 02/27/09
Cynthia Bohling cbohling Cmed-Medicine Administration CITI Biomed Tutorial 06/09/15
Derek Bohlke dbohlke Political Science CITI Behavioral Tutorial 01/20/09
Deborah Bohlken bohlkend Uihc-Nursing Service CITI Biomed Tutorial 03/01/15
CITI Behavioral Tutorial 08/24/10
Kori Bohlken kjbohlken CITI Biomed Tutorial 04/03/18
Miranda Bohlken mbohlken NIH Online Tutorial 04/30/02
Michael Bohm bohm Sociology CITI Behavioral Tutorial 09/16/06
Ariel Bohman bohman Chemistry CITI Biomed Tutorial 02/14/13
Andrew Bohn andrebohn Libr-Library Administration & CITI Behavioral Tutorial 09/16/19
Courtney Bohn cbohn Health Management CITI Biomed Tutorial 01/31/11
Emma Bohn ebohn CITI Behavioral Tutorial 09/03/19
Kaitlin Bohn kjbohn Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Sciences CITI Biomed Tutorial 08/09/12
Keegan Bohn kbohn CITI Biomed Tutorial 06/08/15