Sadie Solomon |
slsolomon |
Cmed-Medicine Administration |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
06/05/22 |
Kirsten Solonika |
ksolonika |
Clas-Psychological Brain Sci |
CITI Behavioral Tutorial |
11/03/15 |
Drew Soloski |
dsoloski |
Psychology |
NIH Online Tutorial |
08/26/04 |
Viktor Soloviov |
soloviov |
Clas-Sociology and Criminology |
CITI Behavioral Tutorial |
09/28/19 |
Catherine Solow |
solowc |
Cmed-Medicine Administration |
NIH Online Tutorial |
06/25/04 |
John Solow |
jsolow |
Cbus-Economics |
NIH Online Tutorial |
02/17/04 |
Andrew Solsrud |
asolsrud |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
02/10/17 |
VA CITI Basic Tutorial |
11/17/20 |
Emily Solsrud |
esolsrud |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
03/10/14 |
CITI Behavioral Tutorial |
05/25/16 |
Frederick Solt |
fsolt |
Clas-Political Science |
CITI Behavioral Tutorial |
10/14/19 |
Emma Soltis |
esoltis |
CITI Behavioral Tutorial |
10/26/21 |
Katherine Soltis |
Unknown |
NIH Online Tutorial |
05/06/02 |
Karissa Soltys |
soltysk |
Uihc-Graduate Medical Educatio |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
07/27/20 |
Katherine Soltys |
ksoltys |
Communication Sciences and Disorders |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
08/31/11 |
Cal Solverson |
solverson |
VPFO-Parking & Transportation |
CITI Behavioral Tutorial |
03/28/18 |
Brian Solway |
bsolway |
Cmed-Pharmacology |
NIH Online Tutorial |
09/11/03 |
Lana Soma |
lsoma |
Speech Pathology and Audiology |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
06/06/06 |
CITI Behavioral Tutorial |
06/05/06 |
Poonam Somai |
psomai |
Cmed-Internal Medicine |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
08/23/06 |
Harsimran Somal |
hsomal |
Statistics & Actuarial Science |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
02/29/12 |
Nicole Somani |
nsomani |
Cmed-Ophthalmology & Visual Sc |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
01/13/25 |
GCP CITI - Drugs |
09/03/24 |
Rizwan Somani |
rsomani |
Cmed-Ophthalmology & Visual Sc |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
10/05/08 |
Vishwanath Somashekar |
vsomashekar |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
01/23/14 |
Saanbe Alvyn Joslin Some |
ssome |
Slif-Iowa Memorial Union |
CITI Behavioral Tutorial |
02/25/21 |
Douglas Somers |
somersd |
Cmed-Internal Medicine |
UI Workshop w/Test |
10/03/01 |
VA CITI Basic Tutorial |
10/02/09 |
VA CITI Refresher Tutorial |
01/05/18 |
Emma Somers |
emsomers |
Clas-Health & Human Physiology |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
08/27/21 |
GCP Basic Tutorial |
05/24/22 |
GCP CITI - Devices |
05/24/22 |
GCP CITI - Drugs |
05/24/22 |
Audrey Somers-Flack |
amflack |
Uihc-Nursing Service |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
11/30/22 |
Kristi Somerville |
ksomervi |
NIH Online Tutorial |
04/26/05 |
Aditya Somisetty |
asomisetty |
Cmed-Ophthalmology & Visual Sc |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
10/28/22 |
Adam Sommer |
asommer |
CITI Behavioral Tutorial |
10/01/13 |
Hannah Sommer |
hsmmr |
Claw-Law |
CITI Behavioral Tutorial |
11/16/23 |
Steven Sommer |
sommr |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
09/27/16 |
Teresa Sommer |
sommert |
Orthopoedics |
NIH Online Tutorial |
01/27/03 |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
02/08/12 |
Matthew Sommers |
msommers |
Pharmacy |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
02/01/10 |
Samantha Sommers |
ssommers |
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences |
CITI Behavioral Tutorial |
08/14/12 |
Stacy Sommers |
somme |
Pharmacy |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
01/27/10 |
Taylor Sommers |
taysommers |
Cedu-Psych & Quant Foundations |
CITI Behavioral Tutorial |
03/22/22 |
Timothy Sommers |
tsommers |
Clas-Philosophy |
CITI Behavioral Tutorial |
09/01/20 |
Brianna Sommervold |
mcpherson |
Social Work |
CITI Behavioral Tutorial |
09/04/12 |
Lauren Somogye |
lsomogye |
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences |
CITI Behavioral Tutorial |
10/24/11 |
Natalie Somor |
nsomor |
Psychology |
CITI Behavioral Tutorial |
03/21/06 |
Ramakrishna Sompallae |
rsompallae |
Cmed-Medicine Administration |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
11/20/13 |
Margaret Sompolski |
sompolski |
Communication Sciences and Disorders |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
09/03/12 |
Laura Somppi-Montgomery |
lmontgmry |
Cmed-Anesthesia |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
09/11/23 |
Student Principal Investigator Training |
09/15/23 |
GCP Basic Tutorial |
09/11/23 |
GCP CITI - Devices |
09/11/23 |
GCP CITI - Drugs |
09/11/23 |
Jyung Mean Son |
sonj |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
03/12/16 |
Wangkuk Son |
wson |
Clas-Health & Human Physiology |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
08/24/21 |
WooJung Son |
woojson |
Slif-Retail Operations |
CITI Behavioral Tutorial |
09/23/18 |
Yeji Son |
yeson |
Cedu-Psych & Quant Foundations |
CITI Behavioral Tutorial |
10/01/18 |
Lina Sonalla |
lsonalla |
Uihc-Pharmacy |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
01/30/25 |
John Sondag |
West Iowa Community Health Center |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
12/10/09 |
CITI Behavioral Tutorial |
12/01/09 |
Rakesh Sondekoppam Vijayashankar |
rsondekoppamvijayas |
Cmed-Anesthesia |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
09/13/19 |
Delaney Sondgeroth |
dsondgeroth |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
02/16/23 |
Sapna Sondhi |
ondhi |
Anesthesia |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
05/31/06 |
Renee Sone |
rsone |
Clas-Health & Human Physiology |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
08/17/18 |
Emily Sones |
emsones |
Clas-Psychological Brain Sci |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
11/25/19 |
Alice Song |
songa |
Cmed-Ophthalmology & Visual Sc |
NIH Online Tutorial |
03/29/03 |
Dan Song |
dsong6 |
Cedu-Education Technology Ctr |
Student Principal Investigator Training |
09/04/22 |
CITI Behavioral Tutorial |
08/28/22 |
Harry Song |
zsong22 |
CITI Behavioral Tutorial |
06/19/21 |
Ho Jin Song |
hojsong |
Communication Studies |
CITI Behavioral Tutorial |
11/19/09 |
HyeEun Song |
hyeesong |
Biomedical Engineering |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
04/14/13 |
InO Song |
inosong |
Cmed-Orthopaedics and Rehab |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
08/18/20 |
Jie Song |
jsong1 |
Slif-Retail Operations |
CITI Behavioral Tutorial |
10/10/16 |
Joo Hyun Song |
jsong |
Electrical and Computer Engineering |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
06/19/07 |
Jung-Eun Song |
jusong |
Statistics and Actuarial Science |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
01/28/08 |
CITI Behavioral Tutorial |
01/29/08 |
Jungmin Song |
jsong10 |
Clas-Political Science |
CITI Behavioral Tutorial |
01/17/18 |
Kejing Song |
Pathology |
UI Workshop w/o Test |
11/28/00 |
Kenneth Song |
hhsong |
Claw-Student Aid |
CITI Behavioral Tutorial |
10/19/19 |
Long-Sheng Song |
songl |
Cmed-Internal Medicine |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
07/25/16 |
Qi Song |
qsong |
ELectrical and Computer Engineering |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
04/29/10 |
Ruida Song |
ruidsong |
Clas-Statistics & Actuarial Sc |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
01/18/18 |
Shuo Song |
shuosong |
CITI Behavioral Tutorial |
01/25/15 |
Wendy Song |
wendysong |
College of Nursing |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
06/26/22 |
Xinru Song |
xsong3 |
Slif-Hillcrest Food Service |
CITI Behavioral Tutorial |
10/09/16 |
Yoon Ah Song |
yoosong |
Graduate College |
CITI Behavioral Tutorial |
05/10/14 |
Zexing Song |
zsong6 |
Statistics |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
01/25/19 |
Zhiqun Song |
songz |
Cmed-Ophthalmology & Visual Sc |
NIH Online Tutorial |
06/08/04 |
Kathryn Songer |
ksonger |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
06/02/15 |
Allison Songstad |
asongstad |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
05/25/13 |
asongstad |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
05/25/13 |
Neetu Soni |
nsoni |
Cmed-Radiology |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
08/17/17 |
Vaishnavi Soni |
vson |
Clas-Clas Administration |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
02/18/25 |
Omotoyosi Yetunde Soniyi |
oysoniyi |
Clas-Optical Sci Tech Ctr OSTC |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
12/09/14 |
Milan Sonka |
sonka |
Cend-Electrical-Computer Engin |
NIH Online Tutorial |
10/11/04 |
Vijay Sonkar |
vsonkar |
Cmed-Internal Medicine |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
06/06/16 |
Pavlina Sonkova |
psonkova |
Opthomology |
NIH Online Tutorial |
02/29/04 |