Certified Investigator Listing

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62,716 items found, displaying 5,701 to 5,800.[First/Prev] 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61 [Next/Last]
Name HawkID Department/Institution Certification Type Date
Ann Bossen abossen Cnur-Nursing CITI Biomed Tutorial 08/11/08
CITI Behavioral Tutorial 04/12/07
Kathryn Bossen kbossen Physical Therapy CITI Biomed Tutorial 08/28/06
Aaron Bossler bosslera Uihc-Graduate Medical Educatio NIH Online Tutorial 04/22/02
Thomas Bostrom tbostrom College of Liberal Arts and Sciences CITI Behavioral Tutorial 08/31/11
Kristin Boswell kboswell College of Nursing CITI Behavioral Tutorial 02/20/06
Mark Boswell mcboswell CITI Biomed Tutorial 01/16/18
Matthew Boswell mboswell Sociology CITI Behavioral Tutorial 10/05/10
Maria Bosworth boswrth Communication Studies CITI Behavioral Tutorial 02/05/13
Marta Bote Gonzalez mbotegonzalez Athl-Intercollegiate Athletics CITI Behavioral Tutorial 09/13/17
Zach Boten zboten CITI Biomed Tutorial 02/13/23
Jonathan Bothell jbothell College of Nursing CITI Behavioral Tutorial 01/21/11
McKenna Bothwell mbothwell Slif-Hillcrest Food Service CITI Behavioral Tutorial 09/01/15
Hannah Botkin hbotkin Cmed-Medicine Administration CITI Biomed Tutorial 05/28/19
Madison Botos botos Uihc-Nursing Service CITI Biomed Tutorial 06/24/24
Rao Srinivasa Botta bottar Cmed-Internal Medicine UI Workshop w/Test 09/21/01
Evelyn Bottando ebottand Communication Studies CITI Behavioral Tutorial 02/06/10
Edward Bottei botteie Cmed-Internal Medicine NIH Online Tutorial 03/15/05
CITI Biomed Tutorial 03/21/19
Breana Bottjen bbottjen Uihc-Nursing Service CITI Behavioral Tutorial 10/01/23
Michael Bottke mbottke CITI Biomed Tutorial 02/01/16
Nya Bottley nbottley Cpub-CommunityBehavioralHealth Student Principal Investigator Training 09/15/23
CITI Behavioral Tutorial 06/30/22
Justin Bottsford bottsfordj Obstetrics and Gynecology CITI Biomed Tutorial 01/12/06
Cecilia Botwe cbotwe Cedu-CEA CITI Behavioral Tutorial 07/26/23
Wassim Bou-Zeid wbouzeid Cmed-Radiation Oncology CITI Biomed Tutorial 01/06/15
Benjamin Bouchard bdbouchard Cden-Orthodontics CITI Biomed Tutorial 01/17/25
Colleen Bouchard cbouchard Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science CITI Biomed Tutorial 07/21/14
Hailey Boudreau hboudreau College of Public Health CITI Biomed Tutorial 08/17/18
Jacob Boudreau jwboudreau Clas-English CITI Behavioral Tutorial 09/11/23
Ryan Boudreau rboudrea Cmed-Internal Medicine CITI Biomed Tutorial 05/19/20
Britney Bouk blbouk Prov-Student Financial Aid CITI Behavioral Tutorial 11/13/19
Sarag Boukhar sboukhar Cmed-Pathology CITI Biomed Tutorial 12/21/16
GCP Basic Tutorial 08/09/19
Karen Boulanger kboulang Cpub-CommunityBehavioralHealth NIH Online Tutorial 09/24/01
Whitney Boulden wboulden Physical Therapy CITI Biomed Tutorial 05/23/07
Farah Boules fboules Slif-Iowa Memorial Union CITI Behavioral Tutorial 09/05/18
Angelina Boulicault aboulicault CITI Biomed Tutorial 09/19/13
Elisabeth Boulund eboulund Education CITI Behavioral Tutorial 01/24/20
Kirsten Bouma kbouma College of Liberal Arts and Sciences CITI Behavioral Tutorial 10/09/12
Kameryn Bounds kbounds CITI Behavioral Tutorial 08/31/18
Nora Bourdin nbourdin CITI Biomed Tutorial 01/28/14
Anissa Bourgeacq abourgea Cpub-HealthManagement & Policy CITI Behavioral Tutorial 02/11/09
Jacob Bourgeois jbourgeois CITI Biomed Tutorial 09/23/13
Meredith Bourgeous mbourgeous Hpsy-Ambulatory Care Clinics VA CITI Basic Tutorial 10/05/21
Caroline Bourke ckbourke CITI Behavioral Tutorial 09/03/20
Kevin Bourn kbourn Sociology CITI Behavioral Tutorial 03/02/10
Andrew Bourne bournea Athl-Intercollegiate Athletics NIH Online Tutorial 05/03/05
Jessica Bourquin jbourqui College of Nursing CITI Behavioral Tutorial 01/28/08
Murray Bouschlicher mbouschlicher Cden-Operative Dentistry NIH Online Tutorial 04/12/02
Hannah Bousek hbousek Psychiatry CITI Biomed Tutorial 11/22/11
Jason Bouska bouska Cden-Endodontics CITI Biomed Tutorial 08/12/09
Michael Bouska mbouska College of Medicine CITI Behavioral Tutorial 02/10/12
Peg Bouska bouskap Uihc-Ambulatory Care Clinics NIH Online Tutorial 11/27/01
Cara Bouslog cbouslog College of Liberal Arts and Sciences CITI Behavioral Tutorial 12/04/06
Holly Bousselot hboussel Psychology CITI Behavioral Tutorial 01/24/09
Margaret Bousselot mbousselot CITI Behavioral Tutorial 09/13/21
Sandra Boutelle boutelle Cmed-Ophthalmology & Visual Sc UI Workshop w/Test 09/21/01
Rami Boutros boutrosr Cmed-Pediatrics CITI Biomed Tutorial 08/01/15
Courtenay Bouvier cbouvier Prov-Academic Advising Ce CITI Behavioral Tutorial 05/21/18
Samantha Bouwers shonken ACADEMIC ADVISING CENTER CITI Behavioral Tutorial 02/06/12
Morganne Bovee mbovee psychology CITI Behavioral Tutorial 11/11/11
Alyssa Bovinette abovinette CITI Behavioral Tutorial 09/12/13
Mitch Bovy mbovy Psychology CITI Behavioral Tutorial 08/27/09
Breann Bowar bbowar Uihc-Graduate Medical Educatio CITI Biomed Tutorial 08/12/20
John Bowblis Miami University CITI Behavioral Tutorial 10/14/19
Alicia Bowden aabowden PTRS CITI Biomed Tutorial 07/31/17
Jessica Bowden jmbowden Clas-Psychology CITI Behavioral Tutorial 05/25/14
Merylin Bowden mbowden Psychology CITI Behavioral Tutorial 10/17/06
Alexis Bowder abowder Cmed-Surgery CITI Biomed Tutorial 02/07/24
Noelle Bowdler bowdlern Cmed-Obstetrics/Gynecology NIH Online Tutorial 10/11/04
CITI Biomed Tutorial 10/11/10
Elizabeth Bowe ebowe Marketing CITI Biomed Tutorial 10/28/16
Britney Bowen bmbowen College of Nursing CITI Behavioral Tutorial 01/23/11
Daniel Bowen dcbowen Political Science CITI Behavioral Tutorial 01/28/07
Elizabeth Bowen erbowen Cmed-Internal Medicine CITI Behavioral Tutorial 05/08/17
Jayden Bowen jlbown Cmed-Internal Medicine CITI Biomed Tutorial 05/11/20
Jennifer Bowen jenbowen NIH Online Tutorial 10/12/04
Karmell Bowen bowenk Vrsh-Research Administration UI Workshop w/Test 07/24/03
Mindy Bowen bowenm Uihc-Nursing Service CITI Biomed Tutorial 12/30/16
Nyvaeh Bowen ngbowen Uihc-Anesthesiology CITI Biomed Tutorial 03/20/21
Randy Bowen rbwen Cmed-Ophthalmology & Visual Sc CITI Biomed Tutorial 08/03/20
GCP Basic Tutorial 08/06/20
GCP CITI - Drugs 08/06/20
Cassidy Bowen (Barnard) bowenc CITI Biomed Tutorial 06/26/18
GCP Basic Tutorial 06/26/18
GCP CITI - Devices 06/10/19
GCP CITI - Drugs 06/10/19
Aric Bower atbower Biomedical Engineering CITI Biomed Tutorial 04/13/13
CITI Behavioral Tutorial 02/02/15
Bo Bower bcbower CITI Behavioral Tutorial 02/28/17
Erin Bower erbower Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science CITI Biomed Tutorial 08/12/11
Jenna Bower jbwr Vrsh-Public Policy Center CITI Biomed Tutorial 12/21/16
CITI Behavioral Tutorial 11/15/16
Scott Bower sbower Cden-Pediatric Dentistry CITI Biomed Tutorial 08/05/10
Sophie Bower sgbower CITI Behavioral Tutorial 11/17/22
James Bowermaster bowermas Rec Services CITI Behavioral Tutorial 02/20/09
Brandon Bowers blbowers Psychology CITI Behavioral Tutorial 10/25/11
Brynn Bowers bbowrs Cmed-Pediatrics CITI Biomed Tutorial 05/23/22
GCP Basic Tutorial 05/20/22