Certified Investigator Listing

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62,716 items found, displaying 18,001 to 18,100.[First/Prev] 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184 [Next/Last]
Name HawkID Department/Institution Certification Type Date
Teresa Garcia tgarcia Vrsh-Research Administration NIH Online Tutorial 08/12/02
Tracey Garcia tarcia Prov-Student Financial Aid NIH Online Tutorial 12/20/01
Victor Garcia vmgarcia Interpreting Services CITI Biomed Tutorial 05/02/12
Ignacio Garcia Fleury igarciafleury Cmed-Orthopaedics and Rehab CITI Biomed Tutorial 04/26/18
GCP CITI - Drugs 09/27/21
Jose Garcia Loera garcialoera Cden-Prosthodontics CITI Biomed Tutorial 07/30/15
Josefina Garcia Nores jgarcian College of Public Health, CEID CITI Biomed Tutorial 04/30/08
Ramiro Garcia Resendiz rgarciaresendiz Vrsh-Public Policy Center CITI Biomed Tutorial 04/10/18
CITI Behavioral Tutorial 04/10/18
Diogo Garcia Valadares dgarciavaldadares Cmed-Internal Medicine CITI Biomed Tutorial 08/26/12
VA CITI Basic Tutorial 07/17/12
VA CITI Refresher Tutorial 08/07/17
Mark Gardalen mgardale College of Pharmacy CITI Biomed Tutorial 01/31/10
Riley Gardam rgardam Geography CITI Behavioral Tutorial 04/30/12
Tanner Gardiner tgardiner ITS-Enterprise Services CITI Biomed Tutorial 01/31/15
Minnetta Gardinier gardinierm Cmed-Pharmacology NIH Online Tutorial 01/11/02
Abigail Gardner algardne College of Nursing NIH Online Tutorial 01/19/04
CITI Behavioral Tutorial 09/05/07
Allison Gardner angardner CITI Biomed Tutorial 04/05/17
Andrew Gardner agardner Cmed-Pediatrics NIH Online Tutorial 12/21/01
Benjamin Gardner bpgardner CITI Biomed Tutorial 04/13/16
CITI Behavioral Tutorial 04/13/16
Cole Gardner ctgardner Clas-Earth & Environmental Sci GCP Basic Tutorial 09/19/19
Elizabeth Gardner elgardner Social Work CITI Behavioral Tutorial 07/22/20
Ellen Gardner eegardner CITI Biomed Tutorial 09/23/13
Gwen Gardner gmgardner Cmed-Ophthalmology & Visual Sc CITI Biomed Tutorial 02/18/15
Isaac Gardner igardner CITI Biomed Tutorial 03/31/15
Jared Gardner jdgardner NADS CITI Biomed Tutorial 08/26/20
GCP Basic Tutorial 08/22/20
Jenna Gardner jsgardner Cden-Preventive & Community De CITI Biomed Tutorial 09/27/18
GCP Basic Tutorial 05/31/19
Jeremy Gardner gardnerjj NIH Online Tutorial 10/14/03
Katie Gardner kagardner Communication Sciences and Disorders CITI Biomed Tutorial 05/12/20
Nonalee Marie Gardner nmgardner Clas-Communic Sci & Disorders CITI Biomed Tutorial 09/07/23
Perla Gardner psgardne Neurology CITI Biomed Tutorial 05/27/11
Sampson Gardner sgardne Cgra-Graduate College-Operatio NIH Online Tutorial 06/29/05
Sophia Gardner sogardner Athl-Athletics Facility CITI Biomed Tutorial 10/30/23
Sue Gardner segardne Cnur-Nursing NIH Online Tutorial 07/10/01
VA CITI Basic Tutorial 08/30/12
VA CITI Refresher Tutorial 08/21/17
Emma Garfield egarfield CITI Biomed Tutorial 03/13/25
Aayushi Garg aaygarg Uihc-Graduate Medical Educatio CITI Biomed Tutorial 03/04/19
Alpana Garg algarg Cmed-Internal Medicine CITI Biomed Tutorial 01/18/21
GCP CITI - Drugs 01/18/21
Ayush Garg ayugarg CITI Biomed Tutorial 07/04/24
GCP Basic Tutorial 07/04/24
Megha Garg gargm Cmed-Radiology NIH Online Tutorial 09/12/03
Shuchita Garg shugarg Anesthesiology CITI Biomed Tutorial 06/06/11
Christina Gargano cgargano Cedu-Learning Resource Center CITI Behavioral Tutorial 04/03/17
Wesley Gari wgari CITI Biomed Tutorial 04/30/20
Karla Garibay kgaribay Cpub-Epidemiology NIH Online Tutorial 04/07/04
CITI Biomed Tutorial 06/15/09
Victoria Garifo vgarifo CITI Behavioral Tutorial 06/13/11
Rohan Garje rgarje Cmed-Internal Medicine CITI Biomed Tutorial 03/28/15
VA CITI Basic Tutorial 08/21/17
GCP Basic Tutorial 12/24/16
Lydia Garlie lgarlie Cpub-Biostatistics CITI Behavioral Tutorial 05/22/17
Brittany Garling bgarling Teaching and Learning CITI Behavioral Tutorial 08/23/11
Alexis Garlisch garlisch CITI Behavioral Tutorial 01/20/18
Jenna Garlisch jgarlisc Psychology CITI Biomed Tutorial 07/12/08
CITI Behavioral Tutorial 01/07/08
Clinton Garlock cgarlock Clas-Music CITI Biomed Tutorial 04/06/19
Allison Garmager agarmager PTRS CITI Biomed Tutorial 08/10/16
Britt Garman bgarman CITI Behavioral Tutorial 09/06/19
Jennifer Garman jgarman College of Nursing CITI Behavioral Tutorial 02/21/06
Jason Garms jrgarms Psychology CITI Behavioral Tutorial 08/27/08
Kathryn Garn kgarn CITI Biomed Tutorial 03/09/19
Michael Garneau mgarneau CITI Biomed Tutorial 02/16/15
Grayson Garner ggarner CITI Behavioral Tutorial 12/02/21
John Garner garnerj College of Medicine NIH Online Tutorial 03/03/05
Leila Garner lmgarner Psychology CITI Behavioral Tutorial 09/07/06
Lincoln Garner lsgarner Agricultural Health, College of Public Health CITI Biomed Tutorial 01/23/06
Lindsay Garner lcgarner Sociology CITI Behavioral Tutorial 02/16/11
Lisa Garner Unknown NIH Online Tutorial 01/09/02
Bailey Garnica bjgarnica Cmed-Cancer Center CITI Biomed Tutorial 09/20/22
GCP Basic Tutorial 09/19/22
Stephanie Garoufalis sgaroufalis CITI Biomed Tutorial 09/19/19
CITI Behavioral Tutorial 09/20/19
Valerie Garr vgarr Cnur-Nursing CITI Behavioral Tutorial 09/15/10
Stacy Garrard sgarrard Libr-Library Administration & CITI Behavioral Tutorial 03/21/18
Catherine Garrels cgarrels College of Education CITI Behavioral Tutorial 02/10/08
Theresa Garren-Grubbs tgarrengrubbs Nursing CITI Behavioral Tutorial 01/10/12
Nicholas Garretson ngarretson CITI Behavioral Tutorial 03/03/14
Brandi Garrett blgarrett College of Nursing CITI Behavioral Tutorial 08/26/11
Julie Garrett garrettj Internal Medicine UI Workshop w/Test 11/22/02
Cmed-Anesthesia NIH Online Tutorial 01/23/03
Laren Garrett llgarrett Psychology CITI Biomed Tutorial 02/03/17
CITI Behavioral Tutorial 02/02/13
GCP CITI - Devices 09/16/20
Leigh Garrett lcgarrett CITI Behavioral Tutorial 09/13/13
Matthew Garrett magarrett Clas-English as Second languag CITI Behavioral Tutorial 08/15/13
Melissa Garrett mgarrtt GME-HOUSE STAFF/SURGERY CITI Biomed Tutorial 04/16/15
Robert Garrett garrettr Cmed-Family Medicine NIH Online Tutorial 01/17/02
Scott Garrett sgarrett Cpha-Phar Practice and Science VA CITI Basic Tutorial 11/07/14
VA CITI Refresher Tutorial 11/20/20
Elena Garrido egarrido Cmed-Anesthesia CITI Biomed Tutorial 02/05/22
Student Principal Investigator Training 04/21/24
Abigail Garringer ajgarringer Uihc-Guest Services CITI Behavioral Tutorial 04/28/22
Keith W. Garringer garringerkw Cmed-Medicine Administration UI Workshop w/Test 10/03/01
Teresa Garringer garring Cedu-Education - Administratio NIH Online Tutorial 05/18/04