Certified Investigator Listing

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62,650 items found, displaying 13,501 to 13,600.[First/Prev] 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139 [Next/Last]
Name HawkID Department/Institution Certification Type Date
Haley Doran hdoran CD&D-Central Control- Hospital CITI Behavioral Tutorial 10/24/16
Lindsay Doran ldoran Communication Studies CITI Behavioral Tutorial 10/29/12
Maddalin Doran mrdoran CITI Biomed Tutorial 01/27/24
Tuyet Dorau doraut Cmed-Ophthalmology VA CITI Refresher Tutorial 07/14/10
Emilie Dore egdore Cmed-Medicine Administration CITI Biomed Tutorial 06/30/14
Alice Doresca adoresca Cden-Dental Research CITI Biomed Tutorial 04/29/24
Pascale Doresca dorescap Cmed-Neurology CITI Biomed Tutorial 02/20/22
GCP CITI - Drugs 06/09/24
Erika Dorff dorff CITI Biomed Tutorial 10/17/20
Megan Dorfler mdorfler CITI Biomed Tutorial 09/11/19
Lorraine T. Dorfman dorfmanl Clas-Social Work UI Workshop w/Test 01/30/02
Joseph Dorgan dorgan Cmed-Pediatrics CITI Biomed Tutorial 07/14/20
Jax Dormire jdormire Cbus-Bus Admin - Undergrad CITI Behavioral Tutorial 10/20/22
Mason Dormire mfdormire ICTS-Education CITI Biomed Tutorial 06/12/24
Aliyanna Dorn alidorn Student Principal Investigator Training 11/14/24
CITI Behavioral Tutorial 01/31/23
Felicity Dorn fdorn CITI Biomed Tutorial 03/05/23
D Dornbier ddornbie College of Public Health/Statistics CITI Biomed Tutorial 08/30/06
Carine Dornbush cdornbush Uihc-Graduate Medical Educatio CITI Biomed Tutorial 10/31/20
Jarrod Dornfeld jdornfel Biomedical Engineering CITI Biomed Tutorial 04/22/07
Ken Dornfeld dornfeldk CMED-RADIATION ONCOLOGY NIH Online Tutorial 10/29/02
Kristin Dorow kdorow Clas-Health & Sport Studies NIH Online Tutorial 10/06/04
Lydia Dorrell ldorrell Psychology CITI Behavioral Tutorial 05/08/06
Ashley Dorris adorris Ag Health CITI Biomed Tutorial 01/23/06
CITI Behavioral Tutorial 01/05/06
Steven Dorris swdorris Cden-Oral Path,Radiology&Medic CITI Biomed Tutorial 01/30/23
Deana Dorscher ddorsche College of Nursing CITI Behavioral Tutorial 10/14/08
Laila Dorsey ldorsey CITI Biomed Tutorial 01/29/25
Morgan Dorsey mkdorsey Biomedical Engineering CITI Biomed Tutorial 04/11/13
Theresa Dorsey tdorsey College of Pharmacy CITI Biomed Tutorial 02/02/10
Jonathan Dorsman jdorsman Geography CITI Behavioral Tutorial 02/16/11
Mary Dorst mdorst Cpub-Epidemiology NIH Online Tutorial 10/31/05
April Dorweiler adorweil College of Nursing CITI Behavioral Tutorial 09/17/08
Celia Dos Santos cdossantos Cmed-Otolaryngology-Head & Nec CITI Biomed Tutorial 08/23/18
Erika Michele Dos Santos Araujo edossantosaraujo Cden-Dental Research CITI Biomed Tutorial 04/11/23
Kristin Dose kdose Political Science CITI Behavioral Tutorial 11/08/11
Lily Dosedel lqdosedel Cbus-Bus Admin - College CITI Behavioral Tutorial 06/10/23
Maya Dosembet msdosembet Slif-Catlett Marketplace CITI Biomed Tutorial 05/22/21
CITI Behavioral Tutorial 03/03/21
Patrick Doser doserp Uihc-Nursing Service NIH Online Tutorial 01/21/05
CITI Biomed Tutorial 02/02/16
Devang Doshi doshid Cmed-Internal Medicine NIH Online Tutorial 11/27/01
Hardik Doshi hdoshi Cmed-Internal Medicine CITI Biomed Tutorial 07/25/12
GCP CITI - Devices 04/06/12
GCP CITI - Drugs 04/06/12
Mehul Doshi doshim Uihc-Graduate Medical Educatio NIH Online Tutorial 10/27/04
Mona Doshi mdoshi Medicine UI Workshop w/Test 07/20/04
NIH Online Tutorial 09/04/03
Jewell Doss jmgasteiger CITI Biomed Tutorial 09/04/23
Catherine Dostal dostalc Hpsy-Food & Nutrition Svcs CITI Biomed Tutorial 08/15/11
Katherine Dostal kdostal Emergency Medicine CITI Biomed Tutorial 03/28/10
Thanhmai Dotran tdotran College of Nursing CITI Behavioral Tutorial 02/01/08
Joni Dotseth dotsethj Uihc-Nursing Service UI Workshop w/Test 12/11/01
Aaron Dotson addotson Uihc-Graduate Medical Educatio CITI Biomed Tutorial 06/28/20
VA CITI Basic Tutorial 06/30/20
GCP Basic Tutorial 06/29/20
GCP CITI - Devices 06/29/20
Darcie Dotson dtson Sser-rec services NIH Online Tutorial 01/29/02
Megan Dotson dotsonm Cmed-Pediatrics NIH Online Tutorial 04/04/03
CITI Biomed Tutorial 11/13/23
GCP Basic Tutorial 12/01/17
GCP CITI - Devices 11/17/23
GCP CITI - Drugs 11/30/17
Mitchell Dotson dotson Cnur-Nursing CITI Behavioral Tutorial 01/27/10
Victoria Dotts vdotts College of Liberal Arts and Sciences CITI Behavioral Tutorial 10/16/15
Andrew Doty adoty CITI Behavioral Tutorial 10/31/16
Justin Doty justdoty Cbus-Economics CITI Behavioral Tutorial 02/03/18
Katherine Doty kdoty social work CITI Biomed Tutorial 08/31/09
CITI Behavioral Tutorial 08/31/09
Micah Doty mdoty NeuroOphthalmology CITI Biomed Tutorial 03/02/06
Michael Doty dotym Cmed-Neurology NIH Online Tutorial 10/15/01
Anne Dotzler acdotzler Cmed-Pediatrics CITI Biomed Tutorial 03/29/21
GCP Basic Tutorial 03/25/21
Alex Dou adou1 Cmed-Molec Physiology & Biophy CITI Biomed Tutorial 07/15/24
Tomy Douangkeo tdouangkeo CITI Behavioral Tutorial 09/13/18
Stephanie Doubet sdoubet NIH Online Tutorial 09/10/05
Nicholas Doucette ndoucett Uihc-Pharmacy CITI Biomed Tutorial 04/12/06
William R. Doucette doucette Cpha-Pharmacy UI Workshop w/o Test 04/13/01
CITI Biomed Tutorial 10/28/08
Gayle Doud gdoud Epidemiology CITI Biomed Tutorial 01/28/09
Vincent Doud vdoud VPER-Hancher CITI Behavioral Tutorial 01/25/18
Amanda Dougherty amdougherty Slif-Student Organizations CITI Biomed Tutorial 01/16/24
CITI Behavioral Tutorial 02/13/21
Bradley Dougherty bdougherty Clas-Statistics & Actuarial Sc CITI Biomed Tutorial 02/01/20
Chaeli Dougherty dgherty Cmed-Otolaryngology-Head & Nec CITI Biomed Tutorial 05/30/07
Mark Dougherty mdgherty Uihc-Graduate Medical Educatio CITI Biomed Tutorial 03/30/20
GCP Basic Tutorial 03/25/20
Megan Dougherty mkdoughe College of Education CITI Behavioral Tutorial 02/07/12
Sarah Dougherty smdougherty UIHC CITI Biomed Tutorial 08/11/15
Timothy Dougherty tdougherty CITI Biomed Tutorial 06/09/14
Zachary Dougherty zdougherty Uihc-Pharmacy CITI Biomed Tutorial 08/29/23
Tara Doughty tkdoughty Uihc-Pathology CITI Biomed Tutorial 08/16/23
CITI Behavioral Tutorial 08/22/23
GCP Basic Tutorial 08/16/23
GCP CITI - Devices 08/16/23
GCP CITI - Drugs 08/09/23
Adam Douglas adougls CITI Behavioral Tutorial 01/28/18
Amari Douglas akdouglas Uihc-Nursing Service CITI Biomed Tutorial 04/02/18
Brian Douglas bsponcil Cedu-Belin-Blank Gifted Center CITI Behavioral Tutorial 07/31/19
Hillary Douglas hdougls Clas-Sociology and Criminology Student Principal Investigator Training 11/13/24