Kristen Coleman |
klcoleman |
Occupational and Environmental Health |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
10/14/10 |
GCP Basic Tutorial |
10/27/15 |
Lydie Coleman |
Cedar Rapids Community School District |
UI Workshop w/o Test |
08/15/19 |
Michael Coleman |
mclman |
Cpha-Phar Practice and Science |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
07/05/21 |
Mitchell Coleman |
colemanmc |
Cmed-Radiation Oncology |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
03/08/22 |
mcolmn |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
02/16/22 |
CITI Behavioral Tutorial |
09/17/19 |
Richard Coleman |
rcoleman |
Communication Studies |
CITI Behavioral Tutorial |
04/10/14 |
Ruth Coleman |
colemanr |
Cmed-Pathology |
UI Workshop w/o Test |
11/28/00 |
Sarah Coleman |
scoleman1 |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
06/16/21 |
Stephanie Coleman |
colemansa |
Uihc-Radiology |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
08/07/17 |
GCP Basic Tutorial |
08/08/17 |
Steve Coleman |
secolema |
Science Education |
NIH Online Tutorial |
02/07/05 |
Terri Coleman |
tcoleman |
College of Education |
CITI Behavioral Tutorial |
01/27/17 |
Todd Coleman |
colemant |
Cmed-Otolaryngology-Head & Nec |
NIH Online Tutorial |
10/12/04 |
Zachary Coleman |
zjcoleman |
Cend-Natl Adv. Driving Sim. |
CITI Behavioral Tutorial |
11/08/21 |
Alexander Colgan |
acolgn |
Uihc-Graduate Medical Educatio |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
05/02/18 |
Jamie Colgan |
jcolgan |
College of Law |
CITI Behavioral Tutorial |
02/27/08 |
John Colgan |
colganj |
Cmed-Internal Medicine |
NIH Online Tutorial |
02/15/05 |
Kelly Colgan |
kcolgan |
Political Science |
CITI Behavioral Tutorial |
12/28/07 |
Megan Colgan |
mcolgan |
Uihc-Pharmacy |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
03/31/06 |
Tyler Colgan |
tcolgn |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
08/07/21 |
Emily Colitte |
ecolitte |
Vrsh-Public Policy Center |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
03/23/22 |
CITI Behavioral Tutorial |
03/23/22 |
Joseph Coll |
jcoll |
Clas-Political Science |
CITI Behavioral Tutorial |
02/09/18 |
Kyle Colletier |
kcolleti |
Political Science |
CITI Behavioral Tutorial |
09/24/10 |
Amy Collett |
alcollett |
Uihc-Anesthesiology |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
01/22/18 |
CITI Behavioral Tutorial |
05/12/19 |
Nicole Collett |
collett |
Cmed-Internal Medicine |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
08/02/06 |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
08/02/06 |
Michelle Collette |
mcollette |
School of Nursing |
CITI Behavioral Tutorial |
08/25/11 |
Carole M. Collier |
ccollier |
Sser-Student Disability Servic |
UI Workshop w/Test |
02/12/02 |
Daniel Collier |
dcollier |
Molecular Physiology & Biophysics |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
06/14/10 |
John Collier |
jscollier |
Emergency Medicine |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
04/15/12 |
Lauren Collier |
lecollier |
Cpha-Phar Practice and Science |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
02/09/21 |
Melissa Collier |
colliermm |
Cmed-Internal Medicine |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
01/23/21 |
CITI Behavioral Tutorial |
01/23/21 |
GCP Basic Tutorial |
01/23/21 |
GCP CITI - Devices |
01/22/21 |
Michael Collier |
macollier |
Slif-Res Hall Residence Life |
CITI Behavioral Tutorial |
11/03/14 |
Morgan Collier |
mkcollier |
VPER-Hancher |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
08/22/22 |
Quentin Collier |
qcollier |
Cgra-Graduate College-Operatio |
UI Workshop w/o Test |
06/06/05 |
Rachael Collier |
rcollier |
College of Engineering |
CITI Behavioral Tutorial |
02/03/08 |
William Collier |
wcollier |
CITI Behavioral Tutorial |
09/19/13 |
Lucas Collin |
collinl |
Physical Therapy |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
08/22/06 |
Sara Colling |
colling |
pharmacy |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
02/21/11 |
Andrew Collings |
collings |
Inventory Mgmt |
CITI Behavioral Tutorial |
02/23/09 |
Mandy Collingsworth |
Medicap Pharmacies, Inc. |
NIH Online Tutorial |
12/30/02 |
Timothy Collingsworth |
tcolling |
Pediatrics |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
08/31/06 |
Scott Collingwood |
scolling |
Cpub-Epidemiology |
UI Workshop w/Test |
11/09/01 |
Aidan Collins |
acollins5 |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
08/20/24 |
Ashley Collins |
ajcollins |
Music |
CITI Behavioral Tutorial |
09/11/14 |
Brendan Collins |
bmcollin |
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences |
CITI Behavioral Tutorial |
10/24/11 |
Bridget Collins |
bmcollins |
CITI Behavioral Tutorial |
09/09/13 |
Courtney Collins |
coucollins |
Vrsh-Public Policy Center |
CITI Behavioral Tutorial |
10/23/14 |
Dana Collins |
collinsdr |
Cmed-Pediatrics |
NIH Online Tutorial |
11/19/01 |
Geoff Collins |
gecollins |
Cmed-Biochemistry |
CITI Behavioral Tutorial |
01/27/20 |
Heidi Collins |
hcollins |
CITI Behavioral Tutorial |
01/13/11 |
Hunter Collins |
hicollins |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
09/01/20 |
Jennifer Collins |
jlcollns |
CITI Behavioral Tutorial |
12/12/12 |
VA CITI Basic Tutorial |
12/17/12 |
Katherine Collins |
kacollin |
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
05/24/10 |
CITI Behavioral Tutorial |
09/18/07 |
Kelly Collins |
kelcollins |
CITI Behavioral Tutorial |
02/20/14 |
Laura Collins |
collinsl |
Uihc-Pathology |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
05/06/07 |
GCP CITI - Drugs |
02/01/19 |
Luke Collins |
lpcollins |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
02/18/17 |
Malia Collins |
collinsm |
Cmed-Pediatrics |
UI Workshop w/Test |
02/17/04 |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
04/24/18 |
Marissa Collins |
mollins |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
05/21/14 |
Melissa Collins |
mecllins |
Emergency Department |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
07/27/15 |
Michael Collins |
mtcollins |
Slif-Rec Services |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
03/03/17 |
Michaela Collins |
mcollins |
Cmed-Microbiology |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
02/01/07 |
Nicholas Collins |
ncllns |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
04/08/13 |
Rachael Collins |
rlcollin |
College of Pharmacy |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
12/31/07 |
Ryan Collins |
ryancollins |
Cend-Mechanical Engineering |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
05/29/15 |
Sam Collins |
smcollns |
Cmed-Neurology |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
08/06/19 |
GCP Basic Tutorial |
08/06/19 |
Shannon Collins |
skcollins |
CITI Behavioral Tutorial |
02/06/20 |
Sue Collins |
Medical Associates |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
04/12/06 |
Thomas Collins |
tcollns |
Cmed-Surgery |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
04/22/08 |
Xixuan Collins |
collinsx |
Cmed-Biochemistry |
NIH Online Tutorial |
01/12/04 |
Brenton Collinsworth |
bcollinsworth |
Vrsh-Human Subjects IRB Office |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
10/12/15 |
CITI Behavioral Tutorial |
10/12/15 |
Elizabeth Collison |
ecolliso |
Cgra-Graduate College-Admin & |
NIH Online Tutorial |
06/08/04 |
Fred Collison |
fcolliso |
Cmed-Radiology |
NIH Online Tutorial |
10/14/01 |
Julia Collison |
jcollison |
Cmed-Pediatrics |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
06/03/15 |
GCP CITI - Drugs |
06/03/15 |
Patrick Collison |
pjcollison |
Cmed-Otolaryngology-Head & Nec |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
12/22/17 |
Jacob Collogan |
jcollogan |
Slif-Campus Dining Operations |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
04/27/20 |
Rudi Colloredo-Mansfeld |
collored |
Clas-Anthropology |
UI Workshop w/Test |
10/17/01 |
Jane Collum |
jcollum |
ShWe-Clinics-Student Health |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
09/04/24 |
GCP Basic Tutorial |
09/04/24 |
GCP CITI - Drugs |
09/04/24 |
Tyler Collums |
tcollums |
Uihc-Radiation Oncology |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
07/03/13 |
Mariana Colombo |
mcolombo |
Education |
CITI Behavioral Tutorial |
09/29/10 |
Carissa Colon |
cgcolon |
Prov-Career Center |
CITI Behavioral Tutorial |
11/13/20 |
Dianna Colon |
dcolon |
Uihc-Pathology |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
09/25/10 |
Iris Colon |
incolon |
CD&D-Central Control- Hospital |
CITI Biomed Tutorial |
03/01/23 |
Lisandra Colon-Jimenez |
lcolonji |
Cgra-Graduate College-Operatio |
UI Workshop w/o Test |
06/06/05 |