Certified Investigator Listing

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62,705 items found, displaying 16,601 to 16,700.[First/Prev] 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170 [Next/Last]
Name HawkID Department/Institution Certification Type Date
Ashley Fleming afleming Nursing CITI Behavioral Tutorial 08/21/12
Bradley Fleming bflming CITI Biomed Tutorial 08/22/21
Carly Fleming cjflemin Speech Pathology and Audiology CITI Biomed Tutorial 06/04/07
Elizabeth Fleming eafleming CITI Behavioral Tutorial 03/26/18
Frank Fleming flemingf Cmed-Psychiatry UI Workshop w/o Test 06/13/00
VA CITI Refresher Tutorial 08/23/11
Heather Fleming hfleming Cmed-Pathology CITI Biomed Tutorial 06/10/11
Jacqueline Fleming jjfleming CITI Behavioral Tutorial 09/04/13
Jeffrey Fleming jfleming Uihc-Rehab Therapies CITI Biomed Tutorial 02/12/18
Jordan Fleming APTSM Appleton North Clinic CBR Workshop 02/26/24
CBR Workshop 02/26/24
Katelyn Fleming kfleming1 CITI Biomed Tutorial 06/14/24
GCP Basic Tutorial 12/19/24
Shannon Fleming smflemin Health ans Sports Studies NIH Online Tutorial 02/04/05
GCP Basic Tutorial 01/11/20
Stanley Fleming stafleming Cmed-Radiology CITI Biomed Tutorial 12/13/24
Des Moines University College of Osteopathic Medicine CITI Biomed Tutorial 12/13/24
stafleming Cmed-Radiology Student Principal Investigator Training 12/24/24
Valerie Flemmer vflemmer Clas-Speech Pathology & Audiol NIH Online Tutorial 09/08/02
Megan Flemming flemming Cmed-Internal Medicine CITI Biomed Tutorial 01/28/25
Susan Flemming sflemming Social Work CITI Behavioral Tutorial 08/28/12
Megan Flemr mflemr Communication Studies CITI Behavioral Tutorial 01/30/13
Samantha Fleps sfleps CITI Behavioral Tutorial 11/04/13
Jeffrey Flermoen flermoenj GME/House Staff/Radiology CITI Biomed Tutorial 02/16/06
Alex Fleszar afleszar Cognitive Neuroscience CITI Biomed Tutorial 06/02/10
Aaron Fletcher afletche Cmed-Otolaryngology-Head & Nec CITI Biomed Tutorial 12/27/07
Alyssa Fletcher afltcher Prov-Admissions CITI Behavioral Tutorial 10/02/15
Amy Fletcher fletchera Shea-Health Iowa-Student Healt CITI Behavioral Tutorial 11/13/08
Anna Fletcher akfletcher PTRS CITI Biomed Tutorial 08/09/20
Christine Fletcher fletcherc Uihc-Rehab Therapies NIH Online Tutorial 08/28/05
Elise Fletcher efletcher Human Toxicology CITI Biomed Tutorial 08/31/10
Elizabeth A. Fletcher fletchere Company 2 UI Workshop w/o Test 02/27/01
Jacquelyn Fletcher jlfletch Political Science CITI Behavioral Tutorial 09/12/06
Joshua Fletcher jrfletch Carver College of Medicine/Microbiology CITI Biomed Tutorial 07/16/12
Mavis Fletcher fletcherm Cmed-Pathology NIH Online Tutorial 06/18/02
Steven Fletcher slfletch Uihc-Graduate Medical Educatio UI Workshop w/Test 07/20/06
Anastasia Flevaris aflevari Clas-Psychology NIH Online Tutorial 10/02/01
Megan Flewellyn mflewellyn Slif-Retail Operations CITI Behavioral Tutorial 03/29/17
Kristen Flick krisflick CITI Behavioral Tutorial 08/31/15
Samantha Flickinger sflickinger CITI Behavioral Tutorial 10/01/13
Kelley Fliehler kfliehler Cmed-Internal Medicine CITI Biomed Tutorial 11/08/18
GCP Basic Tutorial 11/13/18
Wade Fligge Big Stone Therapy CBR Workshop 12/16/21
Sheryl Flink erenberg Cmed-Otolaryngology-Head & Nec NIH Online Tutorial 07/10/03
University of Chicago Hospitals NIH Online Tutorial 07/10/03
Gina Flinn gflinn Psychology CITI Biomed Tutorial 10/15/08
John Flint flintj Uihc-Graduate Medical Educatio CITI Biomed Tutorial 12/19/05
Rebecca Flint rcflint CITI Biomed Tutorial 01/26/25
Keely Flis kflis Clas-Dance CITI Behavioral Tutorial 03/21/18
Tony Floden tfloden Biomedical Engineering CITI Biomed Tutorial 01/31/06
Kelsey Floerchinger kfloerchinger CITI Biomed Tutorial 02/15/20
Rachael Lee Floit rfloit Cpub-Occupational&Enviromental UI Workshop w/Test 05/16/02
Logan Flom llflom Cmed-Medicine Administration CITI Biomed Tutorial 05/29/24
GCP Basic Tutorial 06/09/24
Kristy Floming kfloming Uihc-Nursing Service CITI Biomed Tutorial 09/21/06
Kristin Flood klflood Cend-Cad-Research Engineering CITI Biomed Tutorial 01/21/13
Gagan Deep Flora gflora Cmed-Internal Medicine CITI Biomed Tutorial 12/18/23
GCP CITI - Drugs 12/18/23
Kot Flora Johnson County Public Health Department NIH Online Tutorial 10/18/02
Alejandra Flores aflores1 CITI Behavioral Tutorial 06/14/17
Desirae Flores dflores Center for Public Health Statistics CITI Biomed Tutorial 08/29/11
Estefania Flores eflors Cmed-Internal Medicine CITI Biomed Tutorial 02/21/22
Javier Flores javflores College of Public Health CITI Biomed Tutorial 06/10/14
CITI Behavioral Tutorial 07/26/18
Laura Flores lauflores Clas-Biology CITI Biomed Tutorial 03/14/22
ljflores Clas-Computer Science CITI Behavioral Tutorial 11/29/20
Lee Flores glflores Clas-Iowa Sciences Academy CITI Biomed Tutorial 12/14/24
CITI Behavioral Tutorial 06/27/24
Maria Flores mflores CITI Behavioral Tutorial 09/04/13
Marisa Flores mflores9 CITI Behavioral Tutorial 06/11/19
Mark Flores mhflores Cgra-Graduate College-Operatio CITI Biomed Tutorial 08/27/22
Student Principal Investigator Training 07/26/23
Melanie Flores mflores8 CITI Biomed Tutorial 01/07/22
Simona Flores spflores Cedu-Education - Administratio Student Principal Investigator Training 02/24/23
CITI Behavioral Tutorial 11/04/22
Jose de Jesus Flores Figueroa fjosedejesus College of Liberal Arts and Sciences CITI Biomed Tutorial 08/11/24
GCP Basic Tutorial 08/12/24
GCP CITI - Drugs 08/12/24
Joseph Floresca florescaj Cmed-Radiology NIH Online Tutorial 12/23/02
Kelsey Florian kjflorian CITI Behavioral Tutorial 11/12/19
Dakoda Flory dflory CITI Behavioral Tutorial 09/02/13
Anna Floryanovich floryanovicha College of Medicine NIH Online Tutorial 01/10/04
Madison Floss mfloss Vrsh-Public Policy Center CITI Biomed Tutorial 02/07/22
CITI Behavioral Tutorial 02/07/22
GCP Basic Tutorial 04/10/23
Logan Flott lrflott Slif-Burge Food Service CITI Biomed Tutorial 09/01/17
CITI Behavioral Tutorial 09/01/17
Oliver Flouty oflouty Cmed-Neurosurgery CITI Biomed Tutorial 10/25/10
Jennifer Flower jeweber College of Nursing CITI Biomed Tutorial 01/29/21
Jamal Flowers jrflower Cden-Endodontics UI Workshop w/Test 07/25/02
Tiffany Flowers tflowers Cedu-educ policy and leadershi UI Workshop w/Test 11/22/02
Brad Floy bfloy Clas-Exercise Science NIH Online Tutorial 03/23/03
Michael Floyd mfloyd Cmed-Ophthalmology & Visual Sc CITI Biomed Tutorial 09/21/10
Drew Fluaitt dfluaitt Geography CITI Behavioral Tutorial 02/21/08
Ashley Fluegel fluegel Vrsh-Public Policy Center CITI Behavioral Tutorial 11/02/22
Anna Fluent afluent Uihc-Nursing Service CITI Biomed Tutorial 11/30/23
Claire Fluent cfluent CITI Biomed Tutorial 01/29/21
Ryan Flug rflug College of Nursing CITI Behavioral Tutorial 01/24/13
Annette Flugstad aflugsta Clas-Psychology NIH Online Tutorial 09/27/01
Jillian Flurer Gabrielson Clinic for Women CITI Biomed Tutorial 05/08/17